Chatting with my neighbor over the phone she remarked. “I’ve got the most beautiful pig in the world”. I teased “No, I’ve got the most beautiful pig in the world”. This was the conversation that lead to the 2021 Pig Pageant. It’s just between the two of us
Some pig operations are sources of pollution. Ours is a source of nutrition: good, organic wheat. The above video was taken by Donovan Kitt one year after the oats wheat was seeded (2018). It shows Donovan swathing the wheat. A bumper crop!
Video fly over our pig quarter section, 1/2 mile X 1/2 mile. Every few months we move the pigs and their habitat to a fresh area on the quarter section In this video Jerry is disking the pig field. Disking incorporates the detritus and crap left by the pigs into the soil. No