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  /  Solar

When I thought about it, I felt guilty. Turning on the lights produced an image of another shovelful of coal. I couldn’t shake the belief that I was part of the problem, not the solution.

Our power was generated by a coal fired plant which has now been converted to natural gas. The coal is still being mined and is now being exported for someone else to burn.

Going solar was the way to go. In 2020 we hired a company (Empower Energy) to construct a solar array that would power both the Homestead Farm and First Nature Farms: 23.7 kW total.

Measuring 16 feet tall by 100 feet long the panels are tied to the grid meaning that any power in excess of our needs is sold to the grid. In times when we use electricity in excess of our production or when the sun is not shining, we buy it from the grid just like everyone else.

When those corrals were built so many years ago, no one thought they could be replaced by a simple two wire electric fence. The mention of solar electricity was probably only found in science fiction.
Looking west, my house in the background. The frame to hold 1600 square feet of panels has to be strong enough to withstand any winds. Good job guys, solid as a rock.
Looking east. The completed array. 23.7 kW
The monitor gives us a live update as to the energy production of panels. Looks like January and February were cloudy months with only 400 kWh produced.

So far, since the installation we have produced 41.14 MWh of solar electricity from our share of the panels and saved a total of 30.79 tonnes of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.