Our Vision is to evolve in a natural and balanced environment where everyone can flourish, develop and contribute to the growth of our farm while respecting ecosystems, resources and people who work with the earth.

When I found that spear point I travelled through time. How many generations? Hundreds? I acknowledge the homeland of the many diverse First Nations and Métis people whose ancestors have walked this land since time immemorial.
Nourishment for the body and soul, that’s our focus. Working with the natural ecology has become our direction. Banned from this farm fourty years ago: herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, biocides, GMO’s, synthetic fertilizers.
Holistic Goals
There’s a course I’ve taken more than once called Holistic Management. I have to remind myself that I have been given one chance to live my life so every decade or so I have to re-examine my purpose and the direction of where I want to go and how I’m going to get there.
I had a picture in my mind of someone shoveling coal every time I turned on a switch. Worse yet it was a giant excavator stripping a pristine wilderness leaving acid rain and adding to our climate crisis. Going solar made good sense . We share it too.
If you look straight west down our road and wonder how far you would have to go to get to the next farm the answer would be in Russia. We back up against the wilderness of BC and it’s wild all the way to the Pacific ocean. Wildlife share our farm and in a good way. We’re a predator friendly farm.
Since we share 2 1/2 miles of fence line with the Nature Conservancy of Canada and another 10 miles with Crown land, we have no shortage of wild animals that come to visit our farm. Our goal is to get along with all species.