Certified organic since 1990.

Organic. Regenerative. Pasture Based. Non GMO. Humane. Friendly.


First Nature Farms

  /    /  First Nature Farms

“Making the world a better place,
one pig at a time.”

We acknowledge the homeland of the many diverse First Nations and Métis people whose ancestors have walked this land since time immemorial.

Certified organic for over 33 years, First Nature Farms is an ecological reserve of over 3000 acres of mostly aspen forest, three creeks and several beaver ponds. I share the operation with my son (The Homestead Farm) and together we produce cattle, bison, chickens and turkeys but my specialty are the Berkshire pigs.

Organic . Regenerative . Pasture Based . Non GMO . Humane . Friendly


Surrounded by the Nature Conservancy and by Crown land, First Nature Farms is home to many species of wild and domestic animals who share the same land with minimal conflict. Respectful of its nature, the farm has been shared by hundreds of people from around the world.


Our Berkshire pigs are healthy, hearty animals who spend their entire lives outside on pasture either soaking up the sun or snuggling in the straw. Aside from delicious pork they are also used to enhance fertility in our organic soils as part of a fifteen year cycle.


To show how pigs can have a good quality of life and benefit the environment, we have to sell pork. We’ve shared our values with Famous Foods, six Choices Markets for over 15 years and now welcome Armando’s! They are the ones who connect our farm to your kitchen.

Get involved

We have shared our farm for almost 30 years with hundreds of people from across the world who have spent an average of three weeks experiencing the organic way of life. Now we focus on mentoring new farmers while sharing our farm virtually with those who want to keep their boots clean.

Farm News

“The grizzly bear noticed…”.  “What I didn’t expect was…”. “…can prove challenging”. “…then came the rain”. People would ask “So what’s happening on the farm?” I would answer that question so many times in a month that I decided to write down a page of the highlights. Welcome to the “Farm News”.

Food for the Mind

Many documentaries have been made to expose the corporate food system and the great concerns we should all have regarding the security of our food.  Here’s a few I’ve collected over the years to give you an idea of what is the exact opposite to the way we farm.

A little bit about me

I’m Jerry (left). My life on this farm started decades ago as a guy whose city life evolved into a farmer. Since then so much has happened that it will take a whole website to explain what we’re doing:

Intelligent conversation encouraged!


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